Thursday, 21 August 2014


Life is good,  life is bright
I'm loving it...a new vision at sight

Rejuvenated, the vigor is back
All pensive thoughts, they go on the rack

The elixir is the smile on my kids face
I w'll embrace the throwaways of life.......I'm no more in the race

I's confused with the priorities, realization came late,
Now, I'll strongly tether these thoughts, and close the gate

Is it your career that makes up your life?
No, its not....i have learnt to differ with the thought that is rife

I might be a bit bouncy, and have loosened few knobs
But, I'm blessed with loving parents, my encouraging sweetheart, and a lovely little why should I sob?

To crib is easy, to accept is tough
I'm learning to do that....let the waters get rough!!!!

Thursday, 14 August 2014


The days are mournful.....
Everything seems so scornful

I accept, I didn't give you peace of mind
But I never apprehended life will become such a nasty kind

You believed in me, when I was none
Can you not bear with me.....there comes the rays of sun

I had neither a job nor any money
But that didn't stop you from loving me honey

I got you this discomfort... you feel depressed and shy
Have faith....these pensive moments will surely fly

I know, such words seem to you as farcical or fake
Don't lose your trust on me, for heavens sake

I am a free mind.....what world thinks, I don't care
But when you are down....because of me, I can hardly bear

I love you , yes, i love you that's what I can say
Trust me, I'll definitely put all these gloomy days at bay...

And I apologise............if I may

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Today is good - not worried about tomorrow,
Immersing in the present…. in future, there might be sorrow

What has to happen will happen anyway
I have no control on the black Friday

The logic is simple, yet we worry
When the moments are gone, we feel sorry

The fear of the future is very haunting
But embracing the present, is it that daunting?

Thoughts about future is a mandate – "a must"
But, secluding the present… it that just?

No thoughts for the future can land you in mess
But, engrossed in your unit-thoughts might increase the stress

Tomorrow never dies, but today does
The totem pole is to match the tremble and the bass

Neither seclusion is good nor inclusion is bad
The blend is the key, or you will gad.