Wednesday 17 September 2014

G.R.A.M.S The cubicle story

The thoughts of G can be tagged as vile
But can aptly dupe with his big smile

Balancing on the rim, R knows well
Quite shaky at the moment, looks very pale

One wonders at the confidence, when A takes a shot
The rise of the poster boy baffles a lot

Apparently docile, humble, the blue eyed boy
with G as his mentor, M is apt in his ploy

S is the kingpin - the insecured beast
Throws a clout and creates a mist

With utter deftness, He w'll connive and keep you shut
Shocked, one fine morning you w'll be in a rut

To pamper his ego, he has created this group
Who w'll brook his whims other than the donkey's troop

Reckless, ruthless, and shrewd to the core
Swallow his eccentricity to be at the fore

"GRAM" has merrily adapted, so w'll never sign out
Is Adaptation the euphemism for Eating filth , Grrrrrrr I end this bout.

Brooding over "GRAMS".....don't pain your mental pot
Unworthy of any attention, so my friends kindly respot

Here goes the official declaration, or the situation might be a bit tense
Any resemblance to any of the initials, living or dead, is purely a coincidence....

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